
1. Which bird is known as the national bird of England?
2. What is the scientific name of the European Robin?
3. The Great Bustard, one of the heaviest flying birds, was reintroduced to which county of England in 2004?
4. Which bird, once extinct in the UK, has been successfully reintroduced, with its largest population in Norfolk?
5. Roughly how many breeding pairs of Golden Eagles are there in England?
6. What is the smallest bird species native to England?
7. Which English bird has the melancholy sounding song that has earned it the nickname 'the mournful philosopher'?
8. During 19th century, which bird species was driven to extinction in England due to habitat destruction and hunting?
9. What rare and protected bird species has a Z shaped marking under its wing and breeds in the Pennines?
10. What is the maximum lifespan recorded for a European Robin in the wild?