Ethics of AI

1. According to arguments presented by professional ethics, designers of artificially intelligent system are primarily responsible for:
2. Regarding the ethical implications of AI, why can a lack of transparency be problematic in AI systems?
3. From an ethical perspective, how should biases identified in AI system outputs be treated?
4. In AI ethics, the concept of a 'black box' refers to:
5. Which ethical consideration may be compromised if an artificially intelligent system is capable of 'deep learning' with minimal human involvement?
6. Why are considerations of privacy paramount in discussions of AI ethics?
7. Which is an application of AI that raises a significant ethical issue due to concerns over fairness and equality?
8. What aspect of Artificial Intelligence presents a major challenge to professional ethics in its design and application?
9. What is a potential ethical implication if the decision-making process of an AI system isn't accessible for review?
10. From an ethical standpoint, why could it be problematic if an AI system learns and evolves from its interactions over time?