Mining Techniques - Australia

1. What technique is typically used for mining iron ore in Australia?
2. What type of mining is characterized by a near surface deposit being extracted by digging a large hole from the surface?
3. In the context of Australia, what is the inherent danger associated with alluvial mining?
4. What type of mining refers to extraction of minerals and ores that are buried deep in the earth?
5. What is the key environmental concern associated with underground mining in Australia?
6. What method is primarily utilized in the extraction of gold in Australia?
7. Which mining method involves the removal of the entire top of a mountain?
8. Hydraulic mining can be best characterized by what action?
9. Which mining technique requires extensive recovery efforts due to the environmental impact after the mining operations cease?
10. Drilling and Blasting, Load-Haul-Dump, Cut-and-fill, and Sub-level open stopping are techniques of what type of Australian mining?